Automotive Industry
Redraws and scandals can lead to crisis or end of businesses, if reputation, turnover and customer loyalty strongly depend on quality, safety of the products. Just fulfilling regulatory requirements or formal quality norms such as IATF 16949 will never lead to a strong market position. They are a necessary first step into the product lifecycle. Technological change from de-carbonisation and digitalisation will lead to even more regulation and critical attitudes of consumers. While cost pressure from new competitors, global supply chains operating just in time and other environmental restraints stay as a burden or challenge, the efficient generation, capture and transfer of knowledge among global teams becomes a crucial task .
The Collaboration Online Suite automates a lot of important homework in quality management from construction, engineering to production, sales and after sales service.
The workload is reduced and you can concentrate your energy on innovation, creating exponentially more value than wasting it to routine tasks. Apply this to the entire organisation and exceed current limits on productivity.
Establishing standards
Monitoring the quality along the entire supply chain, requires timely information of staff and all stakeholders down to the customer. Pre-condition is a system allowing directed and autorised communication incl. Digital signing, encryption for internal and external communication. Norms and regulations must be communicated as clear and authorised according to the information needs of the respective part of the organisation or individual to influence the behaviour positively towards an awake quality conscience. Norms and rules must be communicated transparently and enforced avoiding contradictions, gaps or redundancies.
- Check external norms for potential redundancies and resolve contradictions in an internal documentation.
- Let the content not exceed the capacity of the organisation.
- The (learning) organisation must adapt, internalise and practice future changes of rules and stakeholder expectations efficiently.
Develop the appropriate approach for the regulatory requirements of your market and business environment.
Monitoring standards
The risk management function is embedded and supported by a central database including complaint management, audits, improvement ideas, goods entry inspections, contracts , laboratory analysis and test reports. Therefore, aggregated quality information detecting patterns in all the areas and modules supports an early risk detection. This way you can outmanoeuvre the competition and protect the organisation from sudden crisis.
The market is not tolerant on quality or safety and does not forget easily.
Erasing “standard deviations”
Detected risks must be evaluated and prioritised to find the approriate solution or strategy efficiently. Counter measures must be defined concisely and tracked continuously until implemented. Surely an audit trail is necessary to demonstrate external stakeholders such as governmental authorities the risk awareness and devotion of the OEM or 2nd, 3rd tier supplier.
Practical compliance in your everyday business
Management system
co_documents gfor the systematic capture of knowledge, norms and processes allows various navigation methods for your documentation to support the individual work style of users:
- Full text search (like search engines on the web)
- Graphical by process visualisation
- Tree-view following the logical documentation structure
- Keywords in alphabetical order
- Importance for the roles the user covers
The documentation can contain references to the risk associated. Process owners and leaders can steer their processes and teams with the embedded instruments.
Ad Hoc project management- and issue tracking
An organisation or company is like a living body with the need to react on environmental influences. Especially consumer/customer behaviour and regulatory framework have a large impact on the business performance. The module co_issues is a central common platform to run such projects and follow up the tasks related to necessary internal re-organisations as a response to external factors.
Relevant knowledge
The notification engine must not only run the internal communication efficient, tracable and reliable. The messages sent need to conquer the threshold of the receiver’s perception. Our engine supports this with a very targeted sending function.
Modern information basis
In the digital 21st century it has become illusionary to run a business without providing each position in the organisation the relevant knowledge and information basis to be efficient.
The co_suite as integrated system therefore provides:
- Multiple external and internal norms,
- Risk oriented implementation of regulatory requirements with an individual approach for each user, position, department or location,
- Audit trail tracking communication, authoristations and changes reliably,
- Product related reporting,
- Gradient integration of external employees, suppliers,
- Encryption to treat and protect confidential information adequately
The co_suite
- Documents combines external regulatory framework and norms and internal control system implementing the overall business strategy in the organisation risk- and process oriented.
- Complaints collects criticism, gossip, shortcomings or deviations from quality standards from various audiences (employees, other external stakeholders, like business, partners, suppliers and customers and redirects them to appropriate solutions,
- Ideas is a platform to stimulate and transform the creative potential of your organisation into change and therefore value,
- Training supports the transfer of knowledge among staff,
- Contracts monitors the lifecycle and compliance of agreements.
- Audits allows to manage a systematic process to detect and erase deficiencies in the organization.
- Projects steers the organistion through long complex ventures. Especially the lifecycle of product from acquisition over construction, engineering, launch until production phase till after production and recycling. The multi-project management tool monitors the KPIs based on quality, cost and time plant by plant, department by department.
- Issues tracks all tasks within the organisation requiring a common, central and traceable implementation.
Modular integration
Monitoring the quality risk requires a tool to detect patterns and interdependencies among data of heterogeneous sources, such as audits, complaints, laboratory reports, goods entry inspection or work instructions. C.O.S’s co_suite develops these instruments based on computer lingusitics (AI) to discover hidden connections and messages across all data (Auto-Tagging).
You can find the same item number, keyword or search string in documents of various origin, purpose and character. However, the appearance in multiple of them can be a risk indicator.
Quality cannot be delegated to a single person (quality manager) or a group (quality department). It is the challenge for the entire organisation: The effective collaboration for the common target requires:
- Avoiding redundant information and communication,
- Concentration on relevant data,
- Clear responsibilities,
- Transparent reporting lines
- A controlled schedule.
Managing information streams and knowledge transfer among the organisation to update the team timely, accurately and completely requires mechanism to tailor the packages to “digestible” doses for the individual’s role and needs. This is the only way the individual can perform efficient and stay compliant.
Logs and audit trails guarantee a sustainable proof for the information transfer from organisation to employee wherever legally required. A roles based concept with strict logical access controls enforces the internal controls. This way, responsibilities do not diffuse.
A common database and a browser based front-end make the co_suite the rosetta stone for each risk-, quality and compliance officer to establish his policies and standards. Logical access controls, n-factor authentication, encryption, certified software components and digital signatures provide a secure application infrastructure.
Tablet, Smart- or I-Phone: Information is sent to, wherever needed in the (daily) operations – even to traveling staff.
Search and navigation ease the fast satisfaction of urgent information needs under pressure. Superfluous complexity is filtered. This accelerates the introduction of the applications and grow the acceptance.
Interdependencies among data and information can be analysed X-module. The quality risk is therefore controlled throughout the entire supply chain.