co_ administration
co_administration module centralises all configuration and master data for the application modules.
Version: 3
X-module administration
- User data like contact data, credentials, access rights and roles, stan in repsonsibilities and HR-Interface
- User groups, organisational and geographical units, languages and timezones,
- Items/products, projects, key words, tags
- Notifications and escalations
Administration of master data and workflows
co_administraion is the foundation on which objects of the same content type like audits, complaints, ideas, issues… and their respective attributes like security class, retention period, format restrictions or workflow are defined. These definitions and the master data can then be worked with in the various application modules consistently.
Keywords and tagging is the basis for AI. Textual and semantic patterns can be detected across all modules.
Organisational structures are reflected in flexible hierarchies with their locations attached.
The interface for HR-data ca be parametrised to run as frequently as fluctuations in the source data occur.
… are triggered by the business logic:
- Rule driven: a certain data constellation is defined and set to inform or acknowledge users or a community,
- Scheduled: various services for reminders or escalations or
- Event driven: a user interaction triggers a status change notable to other users in the workflow.
Rights and roles
Any control element of the user interface has access rights attached. Visibility and changeability of data are defined per status of the content type in ist workflow and the role.
These roles are grouped to allow a flexible role allocation within the applications. These role groups are then associated with user groups like e.g. organisational units or individual users.
To avoid conflicting role allocation the segregation of duties principle is applied.