Nutrition and beverages

The Collaboration Online Suite drives your complete quality management thoughout the entire supply chain from goods entry, production, laboratory tests, to distribution, consumption and complaints. Even after sales the consumer opinion can be followed up in the social media.

Norm conformity

The co-suite helps to establish the following regulations:

  • HACCP VO(EG)852/2004 ff. (EU-hygiene package)
  • IFS -International Food Standard
  • BRC – des
  • British Retail Consortiums,
  • Q&S,
  • GlobalGAP,
  • ISO 22000

User groups

From agriculture throughout raw material supply, production up to transport and distribution or sales: all players involved in the production process and logistics can apply the co_suite. C.O.S will setup and customise your individual according to your industry requirements, technical infrastructure and information needs.

Set standards

Targeting a desired quality standard requires a due, timely, current and complete information of the personnel. A management system like co-documents will handle all internal and external communication  for you from a consitent central data base keeping an audit t

rail. This is a pre-condition to an efficient quality management system in your daily operations

  1. Avoid contradictoinary requirements. Provide a consitent norm aligned set of ruels and instructions – especially in a multi norm sceanrio,
  2. Redundancies and synergies among norm structures should be discovered before publication.
  3. Respect the capacity limits of knowledge transfer withi your organisation.

Develop your individual approach for your organisation’s regulatory needs and strategic market position.

Monitor standards

Quality management should be embedded into the risk management. Complaints, audits, improvement ideas, goods reception controls, laboratory results, contracts or the social radar can all indicate deviations from the desired quality supporting the market position Only a joint analysis in a central database will help to discover patterns and drill down to the root causes.  This allows proactive problem handling, avoids delays, poor public relations and the worst case the attorney having your plant closed down.

The market can only forget after a while. However, better avoid or be ready to master and survive a crisis.

Track issues

Known risks and deviations must be prioritised and followed up. Document your awareness and due diligence in erasing weaknesses by a systematic and centralised approach using the co-issue tracking module. It manages the necessary changes and escalates tasks not executed timely. Your organisation can thereby demonstrate a responsive and responsible care for quality of the nutrition.

Compliance in your daily operations

Management system

co_documents allows a systematic steering of processes, instructions and regulations, as required by ISO 22000. The individual user view to all relevant documentation and the simple navigation and search functions enable anybody to access their information, everywhere and at any time. Process responsible leaders can track the situation with the corresponding reports.

X-referencing policies, rules and norms produce a logical structure of the documentation. Hence, all interdependencies and induced change requirements after modified norms or regulations can be analysed online.

Ad Hoc Project- and Issue management

A vital organisation processes changes in the industry, regulatory standards or consumer behaviour quickly and efficient co_issues is web-based project management platform allowing a quick and auditable coordination of such initiatives.


The notification mechanism among process steps or organisational units must run smoothly and be tracked.  All modules need a common and centralised notification engine, respecting the information needs of individual members and the level of involvement. The co-suite informs the members of the organisation on four levels of awareness dynamically. Spam is avoided to keep the channel of the recipient open.

Modern Information basis

co_suite is an integrated System to

  • Display multiple external norms and the deduced internal instructions and policies,
  • Their risk based implementation,
  • Break the requirements down to positions, organisational and geographical units,
  • Document the communication between individual and organisation,
  • Report item, issue and product oriented,
  • Encrypt and treat confidential information duly.

The co_suite

  • Documents binds the internal documentation to external standards, process-oriented and providing each employee a personal view for his/her role,
  • Complaints collects quality deviations from various information channels (social media, E-mail, phone, …) from users, customers and employees to resolve the timely,
  • Ideas ist he platform to leverage the creative potential of the organisation stimulating innovation, identification and saving costs,
  • Training manages the educational and knowledge reuirements of the organisation,
  • Contracts monitors the commercial and legal side of the business,
  • Audits tracks deviations and weaknesses in processes,
  • Issues steers all projects and initiatives as an online collaboration tool, without the headache of a complex application,
  • The integrated Dashboard highlights quality risks and KPIs grouped, filtered and sorted by process, geographical, organisational unit, risk level, item or product.

Modul integration

All modules run on a common database. This allows data mining to find patterns indicating the origin of a quality problem. Only a consistent information platform will allow you to discover that a work instruction for goods reception needs correction after evaluating a customer complaint or an audit finding should trigger an improved hygiene education.


Quality cannot be delegated to a single person or group. It is the result of the work of the entire organisation. The necessary collaboration among the members requires:

  • Erasing redundant information and communiction streams,
  • Focus on relevant data,
  • Clear responsibility scheme,
  • Transparent reporting structure and communication channels,
  • Stringent monitoring of due dates.

The open and web-based architecture with a user friendly make the co_suite an essential tool for any risk-, or compliance officer or quality manager in the consumer industries

Logical access controls, authentication and encryption provide a secure and reliable technical infrastructure that works in on premise, cloud and hybrid scenarios.

Tablet, Smart- or I-Phone: Information is delivered, wherever required.

Search and navigation lead each user to the relevant content directly. Superfluous complexity is eliminated. User acceptance grows and introduction time shrinks.

All interdependcies are transparent. The risk of quality failures is mastered throughout the entire value chain.

Other modules

Industry solutions

Application solutions